Is it proven to observe other fasts in Muharram besides Ashura? Please provide an answer with evidence and reference.
The month of Muharram is a respected and great month. There is a great virtue in fasting on the tenth of Muharram. Among the fasts of the eleven months other than Ramadan, the reward for fasting on the tenth of Muharram is the greatest, and fasting on this one day forgives the minor sins of the past year. It is also recommended to fast on the ninth or eleventh of Muharram, and there is virtue in fasting throughout the entire month of Muharram, as stated in the Hadith. The Prophet ﷺ encouraged fasting in the month of Muharram.
It is narrated by Abu Hurairah رضي الله عنه that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: The best fasts after those of Ramadan are in the month of Muharram, and The night prayer is the most beneficial prayer following the required prayer.
عن أبي هريرة: سُئلَ: أيُّ الصلاةِ أفضلُ بعد المكتوبةِ؟ وأيُّ الصيامِ أفضلُ بعد شهرِ رمضانَ؟ فقال أفضلُ الصلاةِ، بعد الصلاةِ المكتوبةِ الصلاةُ في جوفِ الليل ِ. وأفضلُ الصيامِ بعد شهرِ رمضانَ، صيامُ شهرِ اللهِ المُحرَّمِ “. مسلم (٢٦١ هـ)، صحيح مسلم ١١٦٣ • صحيح
Similarly it is narrated by Abdullah bin Abbas رضي الله عنهما that the Prophet ﷺ said: Whoever fasts on the day of Arafah will have his sins of two years forgiven, and whoever fasts one day in the month of Muharram will receive the reward of thirty fasts for each day.
عن عبدالله بن عباس: من صام يومَ عرفةَ كان له كفَّارةَ سَنتيْن ومن صام يومًا من المُحرَّمِ فله بكلِّ يومٍ ثلاثون يومًا