islamic whatsapp group name

Islamic WhatsApp Group Names

Creating a WhatsApp group can be fun, especially when it’s for a special purpose like sharing Islamic knowledge, connecting with family, or staying in touch with friends. One of the first steps in creating a group is choosing a name that reflects its purpose and makes everyone feel welcome. If you’re looking for the perfect Islamic WhatsApp group name, you’ve come to the right place! This article will help you find a meaningful and appropriate name for your group.

Why Choose an Islamic WhatsApp Group Name?

Choosing an Islamic name for your WhatsApp group shows that the group is centered around Islamic values, beliefs, and culture. It sets a positive tone and can make members feel a sense of belonging and respect. Whether your group is for studying the Quran, sharing Islamic quotes, or simply connecting with fellow Muslims, a good name is important.

Tips for Choosing the Perfect Group Name

  1. Reflect the Group’s Purpose: Think about why you are creating the group. Is it for studying? Sharing hadiths? Family discussions? Choose a name that clearly reflects the purpose.
  2. Keep It Simple: A simple and easy-to-remember name is always a good choice. Avoid complicated or overly long names.
  3. Use Positive Words: Positive words create a welcoming atmosphere. Words like “peace,” “blessings,” and “faith” can make the group feel more inviting.
  4. Consider Using Arabic Words: Arabic words often have beautiful meanings and can add an authentic touch to your group name. Just make sure everyone in the group understands the meaning.

Popular Islamic WhatsApp Group Names

Here are some popular Islamic WhatsApp group names categorized by different themes:

Quran Study Group names:

No.Group NameNo.Group Name
1Quran Circle51Quranic Guidance
2Verses of Wisdom52Quran Serenity
3Divine Words53Quran Enlightenment
4Guided Path54Quran Connection
5Quranic Reflections55Quranic Path
6Quranic Insights56Quranic Peace
7The Holy Book57Quranic Knowledge
8Quran Devotees58Quran Study Group
9Words of Allah59Quranic Lessons
10Sacred Verses60Quran Learning Circle
11Path to Jannah61Quran Seekers
12Light of Islam62Quran Scholars
13Quranic Light63Quranic Truths
14Divine Guidance64Quranic Insights
15The Noble Quran65Quranic Journey
16Quran Study Circle66Quranic Reflections
17Words of Wisdom67Quranic Unity
18Quranic Pathways68Quran Companions
19Sacred Teachings69Quran Explorers
20Quran Fellowship70Quranic Harmony
21Divine Lessons71Quran Circle
22Quran Enlightenment72Quran Admirers
23Light from the Quran73Quran Reflection
24Path of Light74Quranic Study Group
25Quran Reciters75Quran Study Circle
26Quran Explorers76Quran Study Club
27Quranic Scholars77Quran Reflection Group
28Quran Learning78Quran Study Companions
29Quran Reflection79Quran Enlightenment Group
30Quranic Insights80Quran Pathfinders
31The Holy Words81Quran Explorers
32Quranic Light82Quran Devotees
33Divine Verses83Quran Seekers
34Quran Seekers84Quranic Knowledge Circle
35Quran Pathfinders85Quranic Light Seekers
36Quran Admirers86Quran Reflection Circle
37Quran Circle of Friends87Quranic Study Companions
38Quran Reflection Circle88Quran Learning Group
39Quran Companions89Quran Pathways
40Quran Unity90Quranic Fellowship
41Quranic Peace91Quranic Path
42Quran Knowledge Group92Quran Circle of Friends
43Sacred Knowledge93Quranic Reflections
44Quran Study Companions94Quran Seekers Circle
45Quranic Circle95Quran Reflection Companions
46Quran Friends96Quranic Study Path
47Quranic Journey97Quranic Knowledge Seekers
48Quran Path98Quranic Enlightenment Circle
49Quranic Enlightenment99Quran Reflection Study Group
50Quranic Harmony100Quran Learning Circle

These names should help you find inspiration for your Quran study group on WhatsApp.

Hadith Sharing Group names:

No.Group NameNo.Group Name
1Hadith Haven51Sunnah Scholars
2Pearls of Wisdom52Daily Sunnah
3Prophet’s Teachings53Hadith Explorers
4Sunnah Circle54Prophetic Words
5Daily Hadith55Hadith Harmony
6Hadith Reflections56Sunnah Study Group
7Words of the Prophet57Hadith Seekers
8Sunnah Seekers58Prophetic Wisdom
9Hadith Light59Sunnah Connection
10Prophetic Guidance60Hadith Path
11Hadith Circle61Prophetic Peace
12Sunnah Teachings62Hadith Friends
13Hadith Insights63Sunnah Reflections
14Sunnah Knowledge64Prophetic Path
15Hadith Scholars65Hadith Unity
16Prophetic Light66Sunnah Insights
17Sunnah Wisdom67Prophetic Teachings
18Hadith Fellowship68Hadith Circle of Friends
19Prophetic Truths69Sunnah Companions
20Hadith Companions70Prophetic Seekers
21Sunnah Journey71Hadith Explorers
22Hadith Pathfinders72Sunnah Enlightenment
23Prophetic Knowledge73Hadith Admirers
24Sunnah Devotees74Prophetic Unity
25Hadith Admirers75Sunnah Harmony
26Prophetic Words76Hadith Devotees
27Sunnah Reflection77Prophetic Pathfinders
28Hadith Seekers78Sunnah Light
29Prophetic Teachings Circle79Hadith Peace
30Sunnah Path80Prophetic Companions
31Hadith Harmony81Sunnah Unity
32Prophetic Light Seekers82Hadith Connection
33Sunnah Peace83Prophetic Wisdom Circle
34Hadith Reflections Circle84Sunnah Pathway
35Prophetic Insights85Hadith Pathway
36Sunnah Pathfinders86Prophetic Knowledge Circle
37Hadith Connection87Sunnah Journey Group
38Prophetic Peace Seekers88Hadith Companions Circle
39Sunnah Wisdom Circle89Prophetic Words Circle
40Hadith Journey90Sunnah Seekers Group
41Prophetic Teachings Group91Hadith Light Seekers
42Sunnah Unity Circle92Prophetic Circle
43Hadith Peace Seekers93Sunnah Friends
44Prophetic Path Circle94Hadith Fellowship Circle
45Sunnah Light Circle95Prophetic Path Group
46Hadith Knowledge Circle96Sunnah Path Group
47Prophetic Wisdom Group97Hadith Wisdom Group
48Sunnah Teachings Circle98Prophetic Insights Group
49Hadith Light Circle99Sunnah Knowledge Group
50Prophetic Journey100Hadith Journey Group

These names should give you a variety of options for your Hadith sharing group on WhatsApp.

General Islamic group names:

No.Group NameNo.Group Name
1Peaceful Souls51Islamic Knowledge Circle
2Faithful Hearts52Faithful Companions
3Blessed Group53Unity in Islam
4Islamic Inspirations54Islamic Light
5Unity in Faith55Islamic Seekers
6Faithful Circle56Islamic Reflections
7Blessed Companions57Path of Islam
8Islamic Unity58Islamic Wisdom
9Peace and Faith59Faithful Path
10Faithful Minds60Islamic Friends
11Blessed Hearts61Faithful Teachings
12Islamic Brotherhood62Peaceful Path
13Unity in Belief63Islamic Harmony
14Faithful Souls64Path to Faith
15Islamic Guidance65Islamic Peace
16Blessed Faith66Faithful Light
17Islamic Path67Islamic Journey
18Faith and Guidance68Peaceful Journey
19Islamic Teachings69Unity in Peace
20Blessed Souls70Faithful Journey
21Faithful Companions71Islamic Pathways
22Islamic Light72Path of Faith
23Peaceful Believers73Islamic Insights
24Unity in Belief74Faithful Believers
25Faithful Guidance75Peaceful Teachings
26Blessed Path76Islamic Wisdom Circle
27Islamic Journey77Path to Peace
28Peaceful Hearts78Faithful Insights
29Faithful Unity79Islamic Peace Circle
30Islamic Companions80Path of Unity
31Blessed Teachings81Islamic Light Circle
32Peaceful Teachings82Faithful Harmony
33Faithful Peace83Islamic Journey Circle
34Islamic Insights84Path to Knowledge
35Unity in Islam85Faithful Companions Circle
36Faithful Path86Islamic Belief Circle
37Blessed Believers87Path of Guidance
38Islamic Wisdom88Faithful Light Circle
39Peaceful Guidance89Islamic Knowledge Group
40Faithful Journey90Path to Wisdom
41Unity in Peace91Faithful Friends
42Islamic Peace92Islamic Companions Circle
43Blessed Unity93Path of Belief
44Faithful Light94Faithful Peace Circle
45Islamic Teachings Circle95Islamic Brotherhood Circle
46Peaceful Faith96Path to Unity
47Faithful Belief97Islamic Journey Group
48Unity in Faith Circle98Path of Peace
49Islamic Pathway99Faithful Path Group
50Blessed Knowledge100Islamic Insights Group

These names should provide you with a wide range of options for your general Islamic WhatsApp group.

Islamic WhatsApp group names in Urdu:

No.گروپ کا نامNo.گروپ کا نام
1اسلامی بھائی چارہ51علم کی روشنی
2ایمان والے دل52نیک ہم سفر
3مبارک گروپ53اسلام میں اتحاد
4اسلامی تحریکات54اسلامی روشنی
5ایمان میں اتحاد55اسلامی طالب علم
6نیک حلقہ56اسلامی عکاسی
7مبارک ہم سفر57اسلام کا راستہ
8اسلامی اتحاد58اسلامی حکمت
9امن اور ایمان59نیک راستہ
10نیک دماغ60اسلامی دوست
11مبارک دل61نیک تعلیمات
12اسلامی بھائی چارہ62پرامن راستہ
13یقین میں اتحاد63اسلامی ہم آہنگی
14نیک روحیں64ایمان کا راستہ
15اسلامی رہنمائی65اسلامی امن
16مبارک ایمان66نیک روشنی
17اسلامی راستہ67اسلامی سفر
18ایمان اور رہنمائی68پرامن سفر
19اسلامی تعلیمات69امن میں اتحاد
20مبارک روحیں70نیک سفر
21نیک ہم سفر71اسلامی راستے
22اسلامی روشنی72ایمان کا راستہ
23پرامن مومنین73اسلامی بصیرت
24یقین میں اتحاد74نیک مومنین
25نیک رہنمائی75پرامن تعلیمات
26مبارک راستہ76اسلامی حکمت حلقہ
27اسلامی سفر77امن کا راستہ
28پرامن دل78نیک بصیرت
29نیک اتحاد79اسلامی امن حلقہ
30اسلامی ہم سفر80اتحاد کا راستہ
31مبارک تعلیمات81اسلامی روشنی حلقہ
32پرامن تعلیمات82نیک ہم آہنگی
33نیک امن83اسلامی سفر حلقہ
34اسلامی بصیرت84علم کی طرف راستہ
35اسلام میں اتحاد85نیک ہم سفر حلقہ
36نیک راستہ86اسلامی ایمان حلقہ
37مبارک مومنین87رہنمائی کا راستہ
38اسلامی حکمت88نیک روشنی حلقہ
39پرامن رہنمائی89اسلامی علم گروپ
40نیک سفر90حکمت کی طرف راستہ
41امن میں اتحاد91نیک دوست
42اسلامی امن92اسلامی ہم سفر حلقہ
43مبارک اتحاد93یقین کا راستہ
44نیک روشنی94نیک امن حلقہ
45اسلامی تعلیمات حلقہ95اسلامی بھائی چارہ حلقہ
46پرامن ایمان96اتحاد کا راستہ
47نیک یقین97اسلامی سفر گروپ
48ایمان میں اتحاد حلقہ98امن کا راستہ
49اسلامی راستہ99نیک راستہ گروپ
50مبارک علم100اسلامی بصیرت گروپ

These names should provide you with a wide range of options for your Islamic WhatsApp group in Urdu.

Islamic WhatsApp group names for friends

No.Group NameNo.Group Name
1Islamic Brotherhood51Faithful Companions
2Faithful Friends52Peaceful Friends
3Blessed Bonds53Spiritual Friends
4Peaceful Companions54United in Faith
5Faith Circle55True Believers
6Unity in Faith56Faithful Unity
7Divine Friendship57Blessed Unity
8Sacred Bonds58Faithful Companions
9True Companions59Islamic Circle
10Faithful Brotherhood60Sacred Friends
11Blessed Unity61Faithful Circle
12Peace and Unity62Islamic Companions
13United in Faith63True Faith Circle
14Brotherhood in Islam64Faithful Path
15Sacred Circle65Blessed Journey
16Faithful Journey66Unity in Belief
17Islamic Companionship67Peaceful Path
18True Friendship68Faithful Journey
19Blessed Companions69Unity in Peace
20Faith and Unity70Peaceful Journey
21Sacred Friendship71United Companions
22Unity in Belief72True Faith Companions
23Islamic Unity73Faithful Seekers
24Peaceful Unity74Blessed Friends
25Blessed Friendship75Faithful Guidance
26United Believers76Peaceful Bonds
27Brotherhood Bonds77Faithful Harmony
28True Believers78Unity in Islam
29Islamic Path79True Companions Circle
30Sacred Path80Faithful Brotherhood
31Faithful Pathway81Blessed Companionship
32Peaceful Journey82Faithful Unity Circle
33United Path83Peace and Faith
34Islamic Journey84Blessed Friendship Circle
35Sacred Believers85United Faith
36Faithful Companions86True Unity
37Peaceful Pathway87Islamic Brotherhood Circle
38Unity in Friendship88Sacred Journey
39True Unity89Faithful Circle of Friends
40Blessed Path90Islamic Companionship Circle
41Faithful Believers91Sacred Pathway
42Peaceful Companionship92Faithful Journey Circle
43United Journey93Peaceful Brotherhood
44True Path94Blessed Unity Circle
45Faithful Friendship95Islamic Pathway
46Sacred Unity96True Brotherhood
47Islamic Friends97Faithful Bonds
48Blessed Journey98United Friends
49Faithful Fellowship99Peaceful Unity Circle
50Unity in Believers100Blessed Companionship Circle

These names should provide you with a variety of options for your Islamic WhatsApp group for friends.

Islamic group names for girls

No.Group NameNo.Group Name
1Islamic Sisters51Faithful Companions
2Faithful Sisters52Blessed Hearts
3Blessed Sisters53Spiritual Sisters
4Peaceful Sisters54Islamic Unity
5Faithful Companions55True Faith
6Unity in Faith56Sisters of Light
7Sacred Sisters57Islamic Journey
8True Companions58Faithful Harmony
9Faithful Hearts59Blessed Unity
10Islamic Companions60Peaceful Path
11Blessed Unity61United in Faith
12Peace and Faith62Sisters in Faith
13United Sisters63Faithful Path
14Sisterhood in Islam64Islamic Companionship
15Sacred Circle65Peaceful Journey
16Faithful Journey66Sisters of Wisdom
17Islamic Path67Unity in Belief
18True Friendship68Faithful Friends
19Blessed Companions69United Hearts
20Faith and Unity70Sacred Companions
21Sacred Friendship71Sisters of Faith
22Unity in Belief72Islamic Sisters Circle
23Islamic Unity73Faithful Believers
24Peaceful Unity74Blessed Path
25Blessed Friendship75United Faith
26United Believers76Peaceful Sisters Circle
27Sacred Bonds77Faithful Journey Circle
28True Believers78Islamic Pathway
29Islamic Pathway79Blessed Circle
30Sacred Path80Peaceful Hearts
31Faithful Pathway81United Journey
32Peaceful Journey82True Companionship
33United Path83Faithful Sisters Circle
34Islamic Journey84Sacred Journey
35Sacred Hearts85Sisters of Peace
36Faithful Companions86Islamic Belief
37Peaceful Pathway87True Sisters
38Unity in Friendship88Blessed Companions Circle
39True Unity89Faithful Sisters Path
40Blessed Path90Peaceful Faith
41Faithful Believers91United in Islam
42Peaceful Companionship92Sisters of Light Circle
43United Journey93Faithful Companionship
44True Path94Sacred Unity
45Faithful Friendship95Sisters in Unity
46Sacred Unity96True Faithful Sisters
47Islamic Friends97Blessed Unity Circle
48Blessed Journey98Peaceful Companions Circle
49Faithful Fellowship99Faithful Hearts Circle
50Unity in Believers100United Sisters Circle

These names should provide you with a variety of options for your Islamic WhatsApp group for girls.

How to Add Members to Your Group

Once you’ve chosen the perfect name, it’s time to add members to your group. Here’s a simple guide to help you:

  1. Open WhatsApp: Start by opening the WhatsApp app on your phone.
  2. Create a New Group: Tap on the three dots in the upper right corner and select “New Group.”
  3. Select Contacts: Choose the contacts you want to add to the group. You can select multiple contacts at once.
  4. Choose a Name: After selecting the contacts, you will be prompted to choose a group name. Enter the name you’ve decided on.
  5. Set a Group Icon: You can also set a group icon. This could be a relevant image or a symbol that represents your group’s purpose.
  6. Create the Group: Finally, tap on the check mark to create your group.

Keeping Your Group Active and Engaging

Creating a group is just the beginning. Keeping it active and engaging requires some effort. Here are some tips:

  1. Regular Posts: Share regular posts, such as daily hadiths, Quran verses, or inspirational quotes.
  2. Encourage Participation: Encourage all members to participate. Ask questions, share thoughts, and engage in discussions.
  3. Respectful Communication: Ensure that all communication is respectful and in line with Islamic values.
  4. Plan Activities: Plan activities such as online study sessions, prayer reminders, or charity drives.
  5. Moderate Content: As an admin, it’s important to moderate the content to ensure it remains relevant and respectful.


Choosing the perfect Islamic WhatsApp group name is an important step in creating a meaningful and engaging group. Whether your group is for family, friends, or study purposes, a good name sets the tone and reflects the purpose of the group. Remember to keep it simple, positive, and reflective of Islamic values. Once your group is created, keep it active by sharing regular content and encouraging participation. Use the resources mentioned to find and share valuable Islamic content.

By following these tips, you’ll create a welcoming and engaging space for all members to connect and grow in their faith. Happy group creating!

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